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Wednesday, June 20, 2012


A man that refuses to care for his generation will walk a lonely part in life with so much agony and frustration. To be a man of impact is not by wishing but learning the necessary rudiments that will propel you into action. Hence, procrastination is an assassin of good opportunity; you need to start something worth doing now!

In line with the blueprint of the millennium development goals (MDGs) whose aim is to transform the globe positively at large with the benchmark of the eight goals put into consideration, which will give birth to sustainable development by bridging the gap between the rich and the poor. It becomes imperative to activate the minds of the youths across the globe to start taking action which will change their lives and the world generally.
Great nations today had paid price their price at a point in time when greatness is aimed and made several investments on the right people and right thing at the right time. The great men involved in MDGs have emerged to contribute their own quota to the economy and development of nations and of the world at large.
Boris Pasternak said, man is born to live and not to prepare to live. Without leaving an indelible footprint in the sands of time, such a man is not fit to live and it is assumed that he his living his life to chance and when that happens his life becomes a lottery while the future becomes a mockery and to be less is to sink into the reactive prison of the ego with so much pain and suffering. We the youth and people generally representing the strength  of the world must stand upright and make a powerful decision to affect our generation positively, the time of lamentation is gone this is the time of impact and we must not be found wanting.
A man`s life changes just in a day when he determines not just what he would like to have in his life or what he would want to become, but when he decides who and what he is committed to do in life, this is a simple decision but a very critical one for many to inculcate. Hence, decisions are the catalyst for turning our dreams into reality, so move out from where you are now and by so doing transformation are born.
Take a bold step now and follow suit by making a lasting impact today and you will not regret it.


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