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Thursday, June 21, 2012


The eyes are two of our precious possessions we have, but sometimes we do take them for granted, think for a second what life would be like without being able to gaze at your environments , your flower garden or even unable to walk freely in your house.
Prevent blindness America, a non profit organization dedicated to vision issues, estimates that 50,000 people lose their sight every year and that 50 million are at risk of eye diseases that can lead to low vision and even blindness.

The good news is that most eye diseases are, age related macular degeneration (ARMD), cataract, glaucoma and dry eye diseases are preventable to some extent.
From research, the following tips are recommended for healthy eye:
            Shun smoking: smoking increases ones risk of developing eye diseases e.g. cataract, ARMD, dry eye glaucoma etc
            Cook with red onions and not yellow onions: red onions contain far more quercetin, antioxidant that is thought to protect the eyes against cataract.
            Wear good sun glasses as shield: serious dryness of the eye can lead to corneal abrasion and even blindness if left untreated.
            Move your monitor just below eye level: your eyes will close slightly when staring at the monitor thus minimizing fluid evaporation and the risk of dry eye syndrome.
            Eat food rich in vitamin A: fruits and leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin A and antioxidants which strengthens eye defense against damages. Sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamin A and can help improve night vision.
            Eat fish and fish oil supplements: they give the right amount of omega-3-fatty acids good for eye health.
            Exercise regularly: some evidence suggest that exercise can reduce intra ocular pressure in people with glaucoma.

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